Saturday, June 28, 2008

“Swastika” — a different connotation for Eastern and Western audience.

Swastika — the sign of peace, symbol of good luck. This symbol or sign contain a huge religious belief among the Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism because of its connotation meaning. Swastika is an ancient symbol. It’s widely used in world major religions such as Hinduism and Buddhism. And these two religions are mainly surrounded in Eastern part of the world. For Hindus this sign represent the symbol of God Prajapati Brahma (creator of earth). So they do respect this sign as a God Brahma. In Buddhism they also respect this sign as symbol of love and peace. But now it has widely different connotation for Eastern and Western Audiences. Because of the Eastern swastika was copied and used as an official emblem of the Nazi Party and continued by modern Neo-Nazis too. This sign was used as a sign of Hitler and the official symbol of Germany during the World War II. After the war this sign’s connotative meaning has represented it as a symbol of fear or symbol of blood for the Western part of people. So in my point of view this is the main difference among Eastern and Western audience because they are taking the connotative meaning of Swastika in completely different way.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is a very good post, although you do not go very deeply into the western connotations of this - why it was chosen and why it is still so negative for westerners.

Thank you for citing your reference.
