Monday, June 9, 2008

Spirit to Spiritual

There are lots of things in the world, lots of unanswered question's are surrounded by us and by some how most of us don't even wanted to talk about it. Just like that one thing is always has been out of discussion's is Spirit or Spiritual matter. You can counter asking me is it real; yes! it is real. Now you can ask me who told you that it's real? 1st of all when i was just a little kid; my Grand mother used to tell different kind of story about Spiritual things, but when i grown up i treat those story as a child story. But i was wrong, those was not all of lies; there are some thing that has existed from many decay. Yes now i believe in Spirit or Spiritual things because i find there existence. Yes I u used to feel them some times. you may be thinking that i am getting mad but i don't wanna give any prove because it will take a long time and may be it could made an argument but if we belief in God that doesn't vary witch religion your from but in every religion there has been written that human can die because it's a rule of nature but Spirit don't. In holly books you can find the word easily that human and spirit are live together in same world.

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