Saturday, June 28, 2008

“Swastika” — a different connotation for Eastern and Western audience.

Swastika — the sign of peace, symbol of good luck. This symbol or sign contain a huge religious belief among the Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism because of its connotation meaning. Swastika is an ancient symbol. It’s widely used in world major religions such as Hinduism and Buddhism. And these two religions are mainly surrounded in Eastern part of the world. For Hindus this sign represent the symbol of God Prajapati Brahma (creator of earth). So they do respect this sign as a God Brahma. In Buddhism they also respect this sign as symbol of love and peace. But now it has widely different connotation for Eastern and Western Audiences. Because of the Eastern swastika was copied and used as an official emblem of the Nazi Party and continued by modern Neo-Nazis too. This sign was used as a sign of Hitler and the official symbol of Germany during the World War II. After the war this sign’s connotative meaning has represented it as a symbol of fear or symbol of blood for the Western part of people. So in my point of view this is the main difference among Eastern and Western audience because they are taking the connotative meaning of Swastika in completely different way.


Saturday, June 14, 2008

Film Analysis of "Wag the Dog" (political and social satire)

Analysis of "Wag the Dog"

Wag the Dog is a satire produced by Barry Levinson and written by Hilary Henkin and David Mamet. I chose to watch and write about this movie because I heard it was funny. However, I thought it was actually kind of pathetic. It stared Dustin Hoffman who played Conrad Brean and Robert DeNiro who played Stanley Motss.

The plot is based on a president who is accused of having a sexual relationship with an under aged girl two weeks before his re-election. But before anyone could think about what the president was up to, Robert DeNiro manipulates the public into believing there is a war going on with Albania with the help of Dustin Hoffman who arranges a war scene that would be seen worldwide on CNN. It was staged with a young Albanian girl (Kirsten Dunst) running from the small town, which was being bombed while holding a small kitten in her arms while screaming, and the only person who could resolve the situation was the current president.

From what I understood, our government has so much power that they can make us believe such a lie. It makes me not trust the government even more than ever. It was a message trying to prove a slogan, “Don’t change horses in mid-stream.” It was used throughout the movie in commercials, which was the message I think they were trying to get across that changing presidents in such a time of need is ridiculous.

The message in Wag the Dog wasn’t very believing. Why not change horses in midstream? Who ever said one can’t change their mind. Especially when it comes to politics and the government. They have a right to change their mind mid-stream and so do we and that is what gives us the choice to vote and pick whom and what we want. For instance, we are able to choose our president to our husbands. So I don’t have a set decision if the slogan was good or bad but all I know is I couldn’t come up with anything better except maybe a song, which they did.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Spirit to Spiritual

There are lots of things in the world, lots of unanswered question's are surrounded by us and by some how most of us don't even wanted to talk about it. Just like that one thing is always has been out of discussion's is Spirit or Spiritual matter. You can counter asking me is it real; yes! it is real. Now you can ask me who told you that it's real? 1st of all when i was just a little kid; my Grand mother used to tell different kind of story about Spiritual things, but when i grown up i treat those story as a child story. But i was wrong, those was not all of lies; there are some thing that has existed from many decay. Yes now i believe in Spirit or Spiritual things because i find there existence. Yes I u used to feel them some times. you may be thinking that i am getting mad but i don't wanna give any prove because it will take a long time and may be it could made an argument but if we belief in God that doesn't vary witch religion your from but in every religion there has been written that human can die because it's a rule of nature but Spirit don't. In holly books you can find the word easily that human and spirit are live together in same world.